Sunday 10 February 2013

Singapore on FT addiction

Happy Chinese New Year to anyone who happen to see this post and wish you a propserous year with great health.

Sorry, I still have some comments on the recent hot topic of the Population White Paper.  I am finding the government on serious FT addiction that could possibly hurting ourselves.  Just like someone taking drugs like caffeine, a little of bit of it give you a great kick but once you get addicted and taking large amount, it will harm your life.  Similarly, the Singapore government saw that the importing of FT has given them a good economic growth, so now they are addicted to it looking for greater growth.  But this is dangerous as in the end it will just hurt ourselves.  We will become less productive, have lower childbirth and in the end losing our identity.  Just like an addicted drug abuser, Singapore will just become an empty shell, without any soul.

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